17th March 2024
I swear I’m looking for the slightest bit of inspiration to write because I love having a personal website and it would absolutely break my heart if I abandoned this project. But I sincerely do not have anything important to say. So I thought of simply sharing what a typical day in my life looks like at the moment. (This is for all my depressed homies, dwelling in the summer boredom or anything of resemblance).
Jokes aside, I genuinely wonder what the fuck people do with their time, especially in summer. It can get so boring, so empty, so, so lonely. Maybe it is because people have friends they see regularly and I... don’t.
- Get up at 10 am.
- Breakfast.
- Learn modern standard Arabic (productive activity count: 1).
- Brainrot to compensate for brain effort.
- Eat.
- Complain to someone about how much I hate the current state of politics.
- Complain to someone about the shitty weather (la pluie en big juillet) and using it as an excuse for not leaving my house (I would have stayed at home anyway).
- Nap for 1 or 2hrs.
- Eat.
- Eventually watch a movie after browsing my watchlist for 30 minutes.
- Listen to music. Optional: think about the problems I’m distancing myself from and cry.
- Brainrot until brain battery is drained.
- Sleep.
Jokes aside, I genuinely wonder what the fuck people do with their time, especially in summer. It can get so boring, so empty, so, so lonely. Maybe it is because people have friends they see regularly and I... don’t.